
Cost of Dental Bridge vs Implant

A severe case of tooth decay will lead not only to tooth loss but also affect quality of life. Other causes of tooth loss range from accidents to severe gum disease. But, as Dr. Harman knows from personal experience, a missing tooth is “missed” with the chewing capacity and weird way it feels in your mouth. This is one example why you should also pay attention to your oral health because, for one thing, oral treatments from professionals can be expensive.  However, we are fortunate to live in today’s world where options are available, predictable and reliable.

If you have adjacent teeth that are still healthy, you are presented with several options to ensure that you will have a nice smile and give options that might not otherwise be available.

Replacing one or more teeth is also critical in ensuring that your healthy teeth will stay healthy, as well as in preventing health issues that will be caused by having a missing tooth.

Both dental implants and dental bridges present options for patients to replace missing teeth. Whether to replace a missing tooth or multiple teeth, each option has its merits and drawbacks.

However, the cost of either a dental implant or a dental bridge influences the decision of many patients. One important piece to consider when deciding on the decision is to ask oneself “what are the up front costs vs. the life long costs”.

In this article, we will focus on the value presented by these options to help you on your way once you discuss with Dr. Harman what permanent solution is best for replacing missing teeth.

Comparison of Cost of Dental Bridge vs Implant

Generally, dental implants cost more than dental bridges because of the complexity involved in dental implant procedures.  However, dental bridges are hard to clean, especially as we age and lose dexterity.  This almost always leads to replacing dental bridges multiple times on one’s lifetime.  

What Causes the Variation of Dental Bridge Cost?

Several factors influence the cost of dental bridges aside from the types of bridges dentists offer:

  • Number of missing teeth that need to be replaced, as well as their location in your mouth
  • Material of the bridge (porcelain-covered metal alloy, gold, zirconia, etc.)
  • Condition of the surrounding teeth, abutment teeth, or anchor teeth

In the case of traditional bridges, the cost varies greatly depending on the unit, that is, how many false teeth and anchor crowns are used.

An important factor to consider is the health of the surrounding teeth around the proposed bridge.  Is periodontal (gum) disease a factor?

Why are Dental Implants Expensive Up Front?

As discussed earlier, the upfront cost of dental implants is higher than dental bridges per tooth. However, the initial cost is almost always offset by having fewer maintenance requirements in the long run.

The factors that influence the cost of dental implants are the following:

  • The complexity of the surgery
  • The bone quality prior to surgery
  • Brand and material of the abutment, post, and dental crown
  • How many teeth are replaced

Implant dentistry presents the best long term value to patients who seek help to replace single or multiple teeth. Though the healing process is longer and the upfront costs are typically higher than tooth bridges, patients will have something like a more natural tooth to replace the missing one.

Conclusion: Which Should You Choose?

Dental Implants: The best option.

Dental implants provide a more permanent solution to replace missing teeth. Moreover, they also provide the best results aesthetically. Though they are expensive up front, they will cost you less in the long term because they don’t need replacement as often as dental bridges do. Many people finance more expensive dental work like implants or bridges.  Dr. Harman has many options available so that your dental work can fit into your budget.

Best of all, a dental implant preserves the gum tissue and jawbone and won’t require altering healthy teeth.

Dental Bridges: A quicker solution while avoiding dental surgery

Not everyone can be a suitable candidate for a dental implant. Dental bridges present a viable option for replacing missing teeth for people with medical conditions that put them at risk of implant failure or have weak immune systems that won’t support their healing process after surgery.

To Help You Choose The Best Option, Call Dr. Harman Now!

Both bridges and implants have their own merits in replacing adult teeth. The best way to preserve your remaining teeth, tooth structure, and, thereby, your overall oral and physical health is to discuss your options with Dr. Harman, whether dental implant vs bridge.

Whether you require implant-supported dentures, a dental bridge, or any other tooth-replacement option, we will ensure that you have been educated in the risks, benefits, advantages and disadvantages to every scenario.

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