Dental Implant Cost

The average adult American between the ages of 45 and 64 is missing five teeth. Worse yet, one in five Americans aged 65 and over have lost all their natural teeth. Though many alternatives are available for replacing missing teeth, such as removable dentures, and bridges, dental implants present a permanent solution to restore a…

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What Causes Bad Dental Implants?

If you are looking for a permanent tooth replacement to avoid the inconvenience of having to look after dentures slipping while you bite or chew or placing glue to keep them in place, dental implant surgery is a viable option for you. Although there are higher success rates and exponentially higher patient satisfaction rates compared…

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10 Awesome Facts About Wisdom Teeth

The growth of a wisdom tooth has been called such because these teeth (or third molars) come out between the ages of 17 and 25 when a person is said to have gained more wisdom than when their earlier teeth came out. In most cases, the growth of a wisdom tooth is a painful experience.…

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What to Expect During Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal or wisdom tooth extraction is when the third molars are surgically removed. These molars, called “wisdom teeth,” appear between the ages of 15 and 25. It takes up to six weeks to recover after removing your wisdom teeth. However, most people can go back to normal activities within a day or two…

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5 Things To Know Before Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth removal may be a standard procedure for many of us. However, wisdom teeth removal surgery still requires precautions to ensure that you recover correctly soon after the procedure. Your body will need time to recuperate after a procedure, and you need to follow the advice of your dentist or oral surgeon on steps…

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Single Tooth Bridge: What Is The Best Option?

If you want the perfect smile, a missing tooth or several teeth won’t help. Aside from aesthetics, missing teeth won’t help with functionality too. Various advancements in dentistry have presented several options for you if you have a missing tooth. Dental implants and dental bridges are your primary options. Both options have their own pros…

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Cost of Dental Bridge vs Implant

A severe case of tooth decay will lead not only to tooth loss but also affect quality of life. Other causes of tooth loss range from accidents to severe gum disease. But, as Dr. Harman knows from personal experience, a missing tooth is “missed” with the chewing capacity and weird way it feels in your…

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