10 Awesome Facts About Wisdom Teeth
The growth of a wisdom tooth has been called such because these teeth (or third molars) come out between the ages of 17 and 25 when a person is said to have gained more wisdom than when their earlier teeth came out. In most cases, the growth of a wisdom tooth is a painful experience. Aside from impacted wisdom teeth, we also experience pain in the gums. The typical action is to have the wisdom teeth extracted to prevent incidences of an impacted tooth. To know more about wisdom teeth and why they need action from dentists, here are ten astonishing facts about wisdom teeth:
Where are wisdom teeth located?
Wisdom teeth are third molars that are located next to the second molars. These typically appear from age 15 to 25, with some individuals they appear much later. There are cases when they never grow out of the gums. Wisdom teeth appear only after the age of 15. Hence it is believed to represent maturity.
Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?
Though the appearance of wisdom teeth does not always come with pain and complications, it is still necessary to visit a dentist. Partially erupted wisdom teeth may still put you at risk of infection because of open gum wounds. Beyond the age of 30, the option to extract wisdom teeth could be risky because these are firmly attached to the jaw bone, which may result in broken roots being displaced into the sinuses during the extraction process.
Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?
As mentioned, wisdom teeth removal may not be necessary. However, many patients choose to have wisdom teeth extractions because of the following:
- Signs of impaction that will damage or affect the roots of neighboring teeth
- Wisdom teeth are affecting normal jaw function.
- Irritation of surrounding tissue or signs of tooth decay
- Not enough space for the wisdom teeth erupt properly
- They are hard to clean and with age and loss of dexterity, not only the wisdom teeth get affected, but the teeth next to them often resulting in needing 2 teeth extracted.
Dr. Harman can advise having your wisdom teeth removed if they find other issues that will affect your overall dental health.
Are There Health Problems Associated By Not Having the Wisdom Teeth Extracted?
There is a health risk associated with leaving your wisdom teeth unexamined. The absence of pain does not necessarily mean you are safe from encountering potential problems. Unless your dentist decides to do otherwise, precautionary wisdom teeth extraction is necessary because of the following health risks:
- Cyst buildup near the wisdom teeth
- Infections that recur in the surrounding gums or soft tissue
- Tooth decay affecting the second or third molars
- Occurrence of gum disease
- Tumors
- The wisdom teeth may erupt partially or be angulated.
What Happens If I Leave My Wisdom Teeth Alone?
There are cases when the growth of wisdom teeth may not cause immediate problems. However, the situation may change over time because these can be painfully impacted. These may also cause cavities to form in areas where it is challenging to clean. Your other teeth may shift to accommodate the new teeth causing their misalignment, thereby necessitating urgent wisdom tooth removal.
Is Throbbing Pain and The Occurrence of Pus Expected in a Partially-Erupted Wisdom Tooth?
Yes. These symptoms are typical signs of infection. See Dr. Harman when you encounter these signs. The throbbing pain and pus around a partially erupted wisdom tooth is called Pericoronitis. These symptoms may rapidly worsen, and the surrounding teeth may be impacted.
Can I Control The Pain Caused By My Wisdom Teeth?
The best course of action is to visit a dentist. However, to alleviate the pain and inflammation caused by a growing wisdom tooth, you may gargle saltwater. A basic saline solution can keep the area clean to prevent the onset of infection temporarily. Avoid chewing food on the side where the wisdom tooth is growing. Neither should you drink cold or hot fluids. You may apply an ice pack if the area begins to swell. If you notice significant swelling and the presence of pus, you need to visit Dr. Harman immediately to apply antibiotic therapy.
Is Leaving A Partially-erupted Wisdom Tooth Advisable?
As a person ages, there is a greater risk of an infection developing between the partially-erupted wisdom tooth and the gums. Moreover, cleaning this area will be challenging because it is difficult to access. A partially-erupted wisdom tooth is a sign that they don’t fit and are best extracted as early as possible. A partially-erupted wisdom tooth may also be the culprit of decay on the neighboring teeth, thereby necessitating extraction.
Why Does Wisdom Teeth Grow Horizontally At Times?
The typical human jaw doesn’t have enough space to accommodate the last four teeth to grow correctly in place. With insufficient room to grow, the wisdom teeth may erupt at an angle for some people or horizontally. For some patients, the wisdom teeth stay beneath the surface of the gums.
Are There Risks Associated With Wisdom Tooth Extraction or Surgery?
Choosing a dependable dentist is crucial in executing a safe and effective wisdom teeth surgery and extraction. That is why Dr. Harman sought out and found in his opinion “the best dentist in Arizona to take out wisdom teeth” in Dr. Woodmansee. Precautions, such as thorough examination and x-ray, most people won’t have to worry about risks. However, there are still risks associated with specific cases of wisdom tooth extraction, and these are the following:
- Sinus damage because of damage caused by upper wisdom teeth extraction
- Lower jawbone weakening
- Nerve damage
- Infection of the open socket because of bacteria and trapped food particles
- Dislodged blood clot on the dry socket, which causes delayed healing and pain.
For Wisdom Tooth Extraction In Phoenix, You Can Rely on Dr. John Harman
Now that you know all the truth about wisdom teeth, it is time to seek the best possible dental care in Phoenix to help you. These extra teeth may or may not cause trouble. It is beneficial if you get the best possible advice that will benefit you by avoiding infection and other dental and health complications. To know more about your wisdom teeth, or to set an appointment, call us at (602) 840-5300. You may also visit this page to learn more about wisdom teeth and other facts.
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